2014 was a year to remember. 2014 was filled with laughter, friends, family and the best memories.
February 6, 2014, most of my choir friends and I headed to NAU and experienced the fun of snow (something that most southern Californians aren't used to or don't like (me)).
Yes, they did put a chest on the snow woman(?). And Mom, I had no part in this other than being a photographer.
While at NAU, we had the opportunity to perform at 7am in the JazzMad Festival on February 7th. It was one of the best experiences I had ever had. We got to perform in a huge concert hall! It was very exciting even though the only seats that were full were the judges seats.
Me, Kim, David and Rob (in the back) getting ready to perform |
Being in more than one choir, I performed more than once that day as did many of the other girls. Half of the people on the trip were performing in the Jazz portion of festival and most of the girls performed in Madrigal (the super old music that would be performed for the king) portion of the festival.
For the madrigal portion we wore these giant madrigal dresses in which most of us wore hoop skirts. Just so you know, hoop skirts don't work well with 15 passenger vans #thestruggleisreal. Although I was not a fan. It was definitely an experience I will never forget.
David and I on the way to the Madrigal performance |
That night we all went to Olive Garden and partied because we were done performing for the day and we got to go play in the snow more and go to one of the most unbelievable concert I have ever been to that night.
Kim and I at Olive Garden |
We all got to go to a performance by The Real Group. Unless you have ever been in choir or musical theatre or even band, you might not understand why this concert was so amazing. They are some of the best a cappella artists (in my opinion). Mostly because they summed up the 90's in the best medley possible.
The Real Group |
That trip will be something that I will remember for a long time (mostly because I actually had fun in the snow).
February 13th, 2014, my high school choir put on our annual benefit concert. It was one of the first times I performed in duet and was actually happy with the way we performed afterwards. It was also one of the nights where taking selfies in a choir dress is socially acceptable.
Jaclyn and I |
David and I |
David and I |
March 22nd, 2014, my grandma, dad and myself went kayaking again. Although we own kayaks and live thirty minutes away from the beach, we very rarely go kayaking. However, visiting the sea lions is always the first thing that needs to be done once you get on the water. It is something that so few people actually do and something that is and will always be a tradition. Mostly because I refuse to go kayaking unless I get to see the sea lions.
April 3rd, 2014, my choir friends and I were once again on the road headed to Anaheim to perform and of course, go to Disneyland (personally, I think it should be a rule to go to Disneyland if you are in Anaheim). The best part about this trip was not only going to Disneyland, but going to Disneyland with some of my favorite people. If you don't think Disneyland is truly the happiest place on earth, you have either never been to Disneyland or you have something seriously wrong with you.
Breeanna, David and I |
Rachel, David, Breeanna, Me and Anna |
Me, Rachel, Breeanna, David and Anna |
Me, David, Breeanna and Anna |
Janet (Rachel's Mom), Me and David |
The Aca-Ballers and The Dapper Dans |
April 4th, 2014, we performed in one of the most beautiful concert halls. Although we didn't perform as well as we had hoped, we did get to record a song with 700 other singers for Z. Randall Stroope. If you don't know who that is, you should probably look him up considering he's one of the biggest composers out there. And once again, choir gave me another unforgettable experience.
April 14th, 2014, I got photobombed by a horse at Rachel's birthday party.
April 17th, 2014, as well, as many other days my family and I visited SeaWorld and obviously had the best time on Journey to Atlantis.
April 18th, 2014, I started the process of becoming an actual adult by taking my first set of senior pictures. I had three different photoshoots for senior pictures. I'm pretty sure that's not normal. Photo credit: my aunt
May 3rd, 2014, my parents and I headed to Yuma, Arizona in preparation of me getting a license. I got to get on and off every freeway exit to practice my merging skills. It sounds really boring (and it is) but, there are a couple good things about it. First, I did get my license soon after and can properly get onto a freeway. Second, there is really good food close to the California/Arizona/Mexico border. Third, we got to visit the Yuma Territorial Prison Museum. I definitely don't plan on going to prison after seeing it.
My dad being flawless. |
Me being a dumb blonde at the museum |
May 5th, 2014, I got my senior pictures back after the second photoshoot. I felt FLAWLESS! Photo credit: Kelli-Lenee Photography
May 22nd, 2014, we had our choir banquet and awards ceremony. I was so honored to first of all get a trophy and second to get "Director's Choice." I also received a certificate with my best choir friends that reads "you made those Disney Princesses look bad." And to be completely honest, I think thats what I was more excited about.
My Director's Choice Award |
Anna, Me, David, Rachel and Breeanna |
Rachel, David, Breeanna and I |
May 31st, 2014, PROM!!!! How could prom already be here? Wasn't the first day of freshman year like yesterday? Although prom was an absolute bust, In-n-Out afterwards with my best friend was not. Can I just say that my mom made my prom dress because I am way to picky to buy one? And yes, I did wear silver glitter Vans for my prom shoes.
Zena and I |
June 17th, 2014, the day before graduation and the day before I had to leave all of my younger friends behind. This was such a fun day because first, I had one class that day and second, I had it with my best friends. I came very close to crying that day. I had performed with most of the people in the choir for at least three years of high school. Let's just say I was not ready to leave them behind.
Chamber Choir |
Breeanna, Me and Rachel |
June 18th, 2014, Graduation and my 18th birthday!!! Yes, I did graduated high school on my 18th birthday! And something even better about that day is that it is also my mother's birthday and she graduated high school on her 18th birthday from the same high school exactly 27 years before I did. It was also the last day I got to perform with the senior choir members and again, came close to crying many times that day.
Chamber Choir Seniors |
Chamber Choir Seniors |
June 25th, 2014, I finally got my license!
The week of July 17th, 2014, I got to be apart of the 2014 Summer Choral Intensive at USD with Sacra/Profana. Although it was a lot of effort and hard work, I was an experience that not only helped me pick a major for college, but also prepared me for the hard work that would be necessary for being successful in college. Plus, we got to perform and rehearse in two different beautiful cathedrals.
August 11th and 12th, 2014, my sister and I headed to Disneyland for another unforgettable experience! We got to meet Rapunzel (because how could you not?), became besties with Ferb from Phineas and Ferb, got compared to Anna and Elsa by none other that Anna and Elsa themselves, as well as, Rapunzel and Ariel, and made wishes in Snow White's well. I can not repeat CAN NOT wait to go again in 2015!
Sister and I |
Flynn Ryder, Me and The Twin |
Sister and I |
My totes adorbs sister |
August 18th, 2014, I started my first semester of COLLEGE! Like what? I have be a real adult now? I have to actually think about what I want to do for the rest of my life? Although as of now I prefer the college school schedule (3 days a week instead of 5 days), I am one of those people who misses their high school friends.
December 18th, 2014, I finally got my braces off! I had my braces on for 9 years. So half my life, 2 years off elementary school, all 3 years of middle school and all of 4 years of high school and my first semester of college! It's the probably the biggest milestone for me after graduating high school!
December 24th and 25th, 2014, CHRISTMAS!!!! My entire family always makes it priority to spend as much as time together as possible. And not only on Christmas and major holidays. However, Christmas and New Year's are always seem to be the most fun!
2014 was filled with so many unforgettable and unbelieveable experiences, I am so excited to see what 2015 holds!!!
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